When managers won’t “onboard”

Dear DISC Wizard,

DISC My managers don’t see the need to “onboard” new hires beyond the typical filling out of paperwork and tour of the facility. How can I convince them that we need to do a better job of this – especially during such a tight labor market?

~ Cathy H.

Dear Cathy,

Oh how I wish it were as simple as telling managers to get onboard with onboarding that would change their minds…but the truth is…the harder we try to convince someone of something, the more resistant they become.

So instead of you trying to convince them, why not ask them what’s been most effective for them when they started a new job? What did they like? What didn’t they like? What would they have liked to have been different?

If they still resist the notion that anything could or should have been different, perhaps it’s time to bring some other points of view in to the mix.

What about sending a survey to people who recently started at your company. Why not gather their feedback as a starting point to improving your process?

To make this easy for you, we will be sending you a survey that you can use (next week) or create your own.

Either way, the feedback of your most recent hires should be taken into consideration when improving your onboarding practices.

~ The DISC Wizard