How satisfied are you with your work? Take this assessment to find out…

Extrinsic motivation occurs when we are motivated to perform a behavior in order to earn a reward or avoid punishment. Intrinsic motivation involves engaging in a behavior because it is personally rewarding; essentially, performing an activity for its own sake.

Extrinsic is “I’ve got to” while Intrinsic is “I get to.”

Take the assessment below to find out what motivates you more. Simply note all the statements that are MOST true for you.

1. I enjoy my work. (A)

2. I want to achieve the highest level. (B)

3. I want to feel competent. (B)

4. I want to make the most of my skills and talents. (A)

5. I want to keep up with my peers. (B)

6. I like the people I work with. (A)

7. I want to be the best in my field. (B)

8. I like to meet new people. (A)

9. My work helps me learn more about myself. (A)

10. If I quit now, people will think I failed. (B)

11. I like being a part of something bigger. (A)

12. I want to be a good member of society. (B)

13. I want to grow and develop. (A)

14. I work because there is no other alternative. (B)

15. I seek knowledge. (A)

16. I enjoy learning new things. (A)

17. The more experience I have, the better I become. (A)

18. I want to feel useful. (B)

19. I want to be seen as professional and savvy. (B)

20. My work gives me opportunity to express myself. (A)

21. I want to be respected. (B)

22. My work is a part of who I am. (A)

23. I seek others’ approval. (B)

24. I feel a need to contribute to society. (A)

25. My work offers a lot of socializing opportunities. (A)

26. I work because my future status depends on it. (B)

27. I work to be able to compete more effectively. (B)


Total how many A & B statements you chose.

A = Intrinsic motivation

B = Extrinsic motivation

While both types of motivation are generally required in the workplace (I mean, who really is motivated to attend endless meetings on employee attendance policies?), the advantages of intrinsic motivation are that it:

• Tends to last longer

• Is always self-sustaining

• Promotes a feeling of self control and mastery

So while it may be impossible to find work that is 100% intrinsically rewarding, you should strive for an 80/20 ratio. 80% of your job being intrinsically satisfying (you do it because you love it) and 20% extrinsically rewarded (you do it because you have to or else!).

If you’re a manager, take a look at people on your team. Do they seem intrinsically or extrinsically motivated to do the job?

If you want people to continuously feel motivated without having to constantly micro-manage and drive them to do a good job – focus on matching people who are intrinsically motivated by what the job rewards.

~The DISC Wizard

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