[Tips] DISC: Using It In Hiring…

When using DISC for hiring, we have to remember that it doesn’t encompass the WHOLE person. There are many different aspects to a person and their performance, and likewise, to what each job requires.

The first step is to spell out exactly what you are looking for. Each position has an exact way it needs to be done. If the job could talk, what would it ask for?

Go beyond experience and education to the exact ways the job needs the person in the position to think, act, communicate, make decisions, be driven, etc.

Often we hire for skill but we fire for attitude.

So why not hire for the criteria that is more likely to predict success in the job?

While traditional hiring practices focus on a candidate’s hard skills, knowledge and experience, it is more often a person’s soft skills, behaviors, and motivators that determine success in the job.

The DISC Wizard’s Hiring System flips traditional hiring upside down as seen in the model below.


DISC Wizard


As one hiring manager said, “I can teach them the skills to do the job, I can’t make them want to do the job.” So instead of making your next hire based on the tangible, yet misleading, things you can see in an interview…contact us for a free assessment on the underlying factors of the performance of a candidate by emailing info[at]discwizardonline[dot]com.


~The DISC Wizard

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