Using Emotional Intelligence and DISC to Improve Challenging Relationships

When you think of a part of your life where you’re experiencing great success, it’s likely that you’re already practicing and exhibiting high Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Emotional Intelligence is the key to navigating relationships and managing difficult situations with ease.

However, as with all growth, it begins with self-reflection. Let’s take a moment to think about a challenging relationship or situation you currently find yourself in. Perhaps you were once aligned with this person but now feel like you’re at cross-purposes. This discord can happen in personal relationships or in the workplace.

How can you improve it? The answer may lie in combining Emotional Intelligence with another widely-used behavioral tool: DISC.

How DISC and Emotional Intelligence Work Together

DISC is a behavioral model that categorizes individuals into four primary personality types—Dominant (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Compliant (C). These traits explain how we approach tasks, relationships, and challenges. But what happens when your EQ is low in a situation? You may not realize it, but your DISC style will start showing its negative traits.

By recognizing how your DISC style shows up when you’re triggered or stressed, you can start taking steps to shift your behavior and improve your relationships.

How Low Emotional Intelligence Affects Each DISC Style

Let’s break it down by style to see how low Emotional Intelligence can manifest when challenges arise:

  • Dominant (D): People with a high Dominant DISC style are known for their direct and assertive communication. However, when their EQ is low or they’re triggered, this assertiveness can turn into confrontation. In these moments, their forceful approach can cause other DISC styles to shut down.
  • Influence (I): High Influence types are typically warm, enthusiastic, and great at connecting with others. But when under stress or experiencing low Emotional Intelligence, they may become self-focused, glib, and even superficial in their interactions. This can make it difficult for others to feel truly heard or valued in the relationship.
  • Steadiness (S): People with high Steadiness are patient, reliable, and incredibly loyal. However, when their EQ is low, they may become stubborn, territorial, or completely shut down. This creates resistance to change or progress, which can stifle relationships and teamwork.
  • Compliant (C): High Compliant types are detail-oriented, cautious, and focused on accuracy. However, when their Emotional Intelligence is low, they may come across as overly critical, aloof, or uncaring. This can create tension in relationships where empathy and connection are needed.

Recognizing the Impact of Low EQ and DISC Traits

It’s one thing to recognize these traits in yourself, but it’s another to fully understand the impact they have on your relationships and your effectiveness in both life and business. Developing self-awareness is the first step:

  • Self-awareness means recognizing your own tendencies, especially when you’re not being your best self. It’s understanding, “Yes, I can be like that—ugh, that’s me.”
  • Social awareness takes it a step further by recognizing what it’s like for others when you behave this way. It’s understanding how your actions or words affect those around you.

Once you develop this understanding, you can begin to modify your behavior to improve your interactions and outcomes. If you continue approaching the situation with low EQ traits, you’re unlikely to get the results you’re seeking—whether it’s in business, relationships, or life.

How to Apply Emotional Intelligence and DISC to Challenging Relationships

Now that you understand how Emotional Intelligence and DISC are connected, it’s time to apply this knowledge. Based on your DISC style, consider how you’ve been approaching the challenging relationship or situation. Are you leaning into your low EQ tendencies when triggered? If so, it’s time to shift gears.

Below are some actionable steps you can take:

  1. For Dominants (D): Practice empathy by listening more and resisting the urge to dominate the conversation.
  2. For Influence (I): Focus on being present and engaged, instead of relying on charm to get through stressful moments.
  3. For Steadiness (S): Challenge yourself to be more open to feedback and flexible in your approach to problems.
  4. For Compliant (C): Work on showing more warmth and understanding, especially when offering constructive criticism.

By applying these strategies, you can bring out the best in yourself and improve the dynamic in any challenging relationship or situation.

“Society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.” – Greek Proverb

Navigating challenging relationships becomes much easier when you combine Emotional Intelligence with the DISC behavioral model. Recognizing when you’re operating from a place of low EQ and how that affects your DISC style is the first step in making meaningful changes. Through self-awareness and social awareness, you can approach difficult situations with greater empathy and understanding.

Ready to Improve Your Relationships with Emotional Intelligence and DISC?

If you’re looking to enhance your communication, resolve conflicts, or improve teamwork, combining Emotional Intelligence and DISC is the perfect solution. At DISC Wizard, we offer personalized assessments, coaching, and training programs to help you and your team develop these essential skills.

Contact us today for a free DISC and EQ assessment or to learn more about our training programs. Call 888-347-2949 or email us at to get started!

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