[Tips] DISC Gift Giving Guide

One of the tenets of all major religions is a version of the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as YOU would have them do unto YOU.”

This may be a fine principle to follow with general acts of kindness, but it can be the kiss-of-death when it comes to gift giving.  Why?

Because it’s all about you!  Getting your significant other the brand new iGadget that you’ve been dying for is likely to be met with that said gadget being used to look for future significant others when you are no longer around.

So when it comes to giving the perfect gift, follow the Titanium Rule, “Do unto others as THEY would have done unto THEM.”

Best way to do this?  Use their DISC Style as a guide.



If you aren’t sure the DISC style of your recipient, here are some style-proof gifts that just about anybody can enjoy:

−> Candles, lotions and oils

−> Portable power bank

−> Planner / journal / notebook

−> Massaging/warming seat cushion

−> YETI Rambler Vacuum Bottle

And when in doubt, don’t underestimate the appreciation of Starbucks or Amazon.com gift cards.

One thing you can do to personalize these more “impersonal” gifts is to make a recommendation with them.

With the Starbucks card, ask them to go with you and try your favorite drink or with the Amazon card, recommend a book you think they would enjoy.

Happy shopping!

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