When dealing with such topics as performance or employee behavior, supervisors and managers would be wise to use the formula PCFA. PRIVACY – Always hold critical conversations in private. This shows respect for the person you are addressing. It should never be the...
The DISC Wizard Blog

The #1 mistake managers make when managing
One production facility in Mississippi thought that supervisor training was their number one organizational need. When I probed further, I found that they were receiving many complaints from their employees as to how the supervisors spoke to them. The supervisors...
Top 7 Ways That Business is Just Like Golf
Golf and business have been inextricably linked for more than a century. Executives seem to be as comfortable conducting business against the serene backdrop of a rolling fairway as they are within the boardroom. Golf reigns as Corporate America's No. 1 pastime. But...
Trust or Ruthless Management (or somewhere in the middle)?
Have you ever heard the Proverb “there is nothing new under the sun?” This balance of trust and accountability has been addressed many times before. In Stephen Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” he shares a model for delegation that includes...
Are you (or your managers) running a “country club”?
Perhaps you’ve had the rare experience of working in a place that trusted their employees without holding them accountable to specific results. Rules were lax, structure was non-existent and forget about meeting your goals. These places are a blast to work in. ...
So you think your employees aren’t sabotaging you?
In your previous article, we talked about some of the consequences of running a “sweatshop”. Well you haven’t heard anything yet… THE LAW OF THE HOG* It was in the fall when two consultants rolled up to an enormous plywood mill in Oregon. As they exited the shiny...
Are you (or your managers) running a “sweatshop”?
A BIG challenge that most business owners and managers struggle with is striking a balance between trusting people to do their job and holding them accountable when they don’t. This week we talk about the challenges of finding yourself on the “accountability-only”...
The #1 competency your candidates MUST HAVE
In listening to my clients describe what they are looking for in a candidate (for any job), they often use attributes like persistence, problem solving ability, confidence, the will to get things done, etc. What do you get when you wrap all these up into one?...
Do you know when you interview a “star”?
Research shows that only about 25% of new hires turn out to be Top Performers. With 75% of people hired missing the mark, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to calculate the hours and dollars lost. Yet with some people have a really good “interview persona” how do...
How Interviewing Is Like Dating – Part II
In the last post, I wrote how interviewing is like dating. Since many people told me this rang true for them, I will pick up where I left off. There are other ways that interviewing is like dating. Here are four more: Values matter more than Personality. Hire for...