The DISC Wizard Blog

What Employees Really Want in 2018…

What do employees really want? It seems that the first, gut-level response to this question is always – MORE MONEY! I know this is something I hear from my clients a lot. They have a problem employee and one of the main contentions from the employee’s perspective is...

A powerful way to start 2018!

To me, there is nothing more exciting than the beginning of a New Year. A clean slate with the possibility of a major DO-OVER from the previous year. Yet there is also nothing so disheartening as to watch the months go by without much changing in your life. So years...

[Tips] DISC Gift Giving Guide

One of the tenets of all major religions is a version of the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as YOU would have them do unto YOU.” This may be a fine principle to follow with general acts of kindness, but it can be the kiss-of-death when it comes to gift giving.  Why?...

How to actually survive the holidays…

This time of year, everyone encourages us to be thankful for the good in our lives.  Holidays, by their very definition, should be a time of reflection and gratitude. So how is it that this time of year sometimes becomes the most stressful of all?  Relatives to go...